THANKSGIVING MEALS will be provided again this year for families and individuals who need food for Thanksgiving. You can help in four different ways:
1) Call the church office — (502) 484-2430 — before end of day on November 18 and provide the name(s) of a family or individual needing a meal on Thanksgiving Day. It is vital that name, valid address and contact number be provided so we can deliver the meal.
2) Sign up at the Welcome Center to provide food OR give money for the 10-12 turkeys and bread needed. Money can be given by offering envelope, designating it for the Thanksgiving meals, using Online Giving and selecting the “Thanksgiving Meals” option, or drop it by the church office.
3) If you are preparing food, please bring it to the church between 9:00am-9:45am. Drivers please arrive at 10:00am. The servers will begin preparing meals at 10:30am.
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY that enough food is collected for those who need it, pray that we will deliver meals with a servant’s heart, and pray for the safety of those delivering meals.
These meals are an important ministry for our church family. Let us serve together!