Services on Worship (Page 21)

Services on Worship (Page 21)

10-25-20 Morning Service

October 25, 2020 — “Jesus: His Wisdom” Luke 2:39-52 — Bro. Brad Banks Sermon Notes I. Wisdom Developed II. Wisdom Demonstrated III. Wisdom Demanded

10-18-20 Morning Service

October 18, 2020 — “Jesus: His Humility” Philippians 2:5-11 — Bro. Brad Banks Sermon Notes I. Ultimate Example Sacrifice Submission II. Ultimate Act Incarnation Humiliation III. Ultimate Outcome Exaltation Glorification

10-11-20 Morning Service

October 11, 2020 — “Jesus: His Self-Control” Matthew 4:1-11 — Bro. Brad Banks Sermon Notes I. Self-Control Demonstrated Lust of the flesh conquered Lust of the eyes crushed Pride of life condemned II. Self-Control Developed Personal Preparation Profitable Promises Purposeful Pain